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CEHI Program Benefits (3 point value statement)

Point One - On-Line Systems
Once you have completed your CEHI training successfully, you will have access to the CEHI Program's internal work-flow and field service support departments. This means you can utilize the following:
  1. National Call Center, this Customer Service Center provides a quality controlled interface with clients. The Center receives the call from a client to request an inspection and answers any questions the client may have regarding the process. The required information regarding the location and situation is gathered and entered into the custom online remote scheduling system.

  2. CEHI's proprietary On-Line work-Flow System
  3.  - The scheduling system allows for the efficient management of your field service resources (all your inspections, even non-CEHI clients)
     - Client Data Base (for marketing)
     - Work Order creation and tracking
     - Accounts Receivable management (centralized payment processing)
          - Accept Credit Cards
          - Accept Checks (with automatic verification)
     - Accounts Payable management
          - ESP Laboratory account
          - Independently Track what you have earned
     - Various automated reports
     - CEHI's proprietary Certified Moisture Inspection application to perform inspections and produce an industry standardized report
     - CEHI's proprietary Interpretive Report that incorporates EMLabs P&K MoldScore to produce the most effective report when samples have been taken.
     - CEHI's Service Agreement (limits liability)

  4. Certified Industrial Hygienist Services that provide CEHIs with ongoing support and oversight to ensure proper delivery of CEHI services. Prior to release, the proprietary Interpretive Report is reviewed by a member of the industrial hygiene staff. This review ensures the client receives consistent and accurate information and "Best in Class" recommendations. These recommendations will include advancements in the remediation industry such as enzyme-based products like TM-100. The Industrial Hygiene Staff provides the consumer with consultation, ensuring that they understand the information contained in the report. By understanding the pre and post remediation documents, ensures that the work is completed properly to protect the consumer's health and all Stakeholders' equity.

  5. CEHI's National Marketing programs
  6.  - Brochures
     - Additional marketing literature

    Point Two Š Liability Insurance
    You will have coverage to perform the CEHI Program Services under the CEHI's liability insurance policy. You do not need to carry your own. However, you are required utilize the CEHI's work flow system and use the CEHI service agreement when performing any of the CEHI program services.

    Point Three Š Group Health Benefits
    You will have access to the CEHI GROUP HEALTH & BENEFITS PLAN.

    This is an optional benefit and does initially require additional administrative set up. If you decide to take these benefits you must contact ESPÕs Human Resources coordinator after you been approved to provide CEHI Program Services.

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